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Mondiad blog

Publishers Take full control of the monetization of your website and maximize your revenue with our advanced and transparent real-time reporting system. Optimize the monetization process with our state-of-the-art technology and easy integration! A push ad is a notification-style message sent to a user’s device (desktop, tablet, or phone) in order to attract new visitors to our advertisers’ campaigns by using custom creatives such as images and texts. We offer multiple types of integrations for our push ads! Classic push ads take no space on your website and bring you recurrent earnings while in-page push ads that are embedded in your website, act like banners but look like notifications and are more likely to bring earnings faster. We are providing on-request withdrawals and the processing is 24-48 hours on average. You have more than 5 different payment processors available like PayPal, Paxum, Webmoney, Capitalist, Wire, and many others.

11Ihr erstes Thema...
Mi 11 Sep 2024 - 14:36
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